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  2. Cardiology >
  3. Louisiana > Cardiovascular Institute of the South

Cardiology in Cardiovascular Institute of the South, Louisiana

Richard Abben, M.D.

Cardiovascular Institute of the South

Cardiology, Internal Medicine: Electrophysiologist

Houma, LA

Amit Amin, M.D.

Cardiovascular Institute of the South

Cardiology, Internal Medicine: Interventional Cardiologist

Lafayette and Jennings

Ayush Arora, MD

Cardiovascular Institute of the South (CIS)


Thibodaux, LA

Siby Ayalloore, M.D.

Cardiovascular Institute of the South

Cardiology, Internal Medicine: Cardiologist

Opelousas, LA

Wes Bennett, M.D.

Cardiovascular Institute of the South

Cardiology, Internal Medicine: Interventional Cardiologist

Meridian, MS

Tim Boyd, M.D.

Cardiovascular Institute of the South

Cardiology, Internal Medicine: Interventional Cardiologist

Meridian, MS

Katherine Brennan, MD

Cardiovascular Institute of the South (CIS)


Lafayette, LA

Bose Cheeran, M.D.

Cardiovascular Institute of the South

Cardiology, Internal Medicine: Interventional Cardiologist

New Iberia, LA

Marcus Cox, MD

Cardiovascular Institute of the South


New Iberia, LA

Bart Denys, M.D.

Cardiovascular Institute of the South

Cardiology, Internal Medicine: Interventional Cardiologist

Thibodaux, LA

Eoin Donnellan, MD

Cardiovascular Institute of the South (CIS)


Lafayette, LA

Robert Drennan, M.D.

Cardiovascular Institute of the South

Cardiology, Internal Medicine: Electrophysiologist

Baton Rouge and Zachary

Eric Engeron, M.D.

Cardiovascular Institute of the South

Cardiology, Internal Medicine: Interventional Cardiologist

Houma, LA

Peter Fail, M.D.

Cardiovascular Institute of the South

Cardiology, Internal Medicine: Interventional Cardiologist

Houma, LA

Matthew Finn, MD

Cardiovascular Institute of the South (CIS)

Cardiology: Interventional Cardiologist

Houma, LA

Satish Gadi, M.D.

Cardiovascular Institute of the South

Cardiology, Internal Medicine: Interventional Cardiologist

Prairieville and Baton Rouge

Shashitha Gavini, DO

Cardiovascular Institute of the South (CIS)


Prairieville, Baton Rouge

Garland Green, M.D.

Cardiovascular Institute of the South

Cardiology, Internal Medicine: Interventional Cardiologist

Baton Rouge, LA

Ryan Gullatt, MD

Cardiovascular Institute of the South (CIS), Houma, LA

Cardiology: Electrophysiologist

Baton Rouge, Zachary

L. Shea Hailey, D.O.

Cardiovascular Institute of the South

Cardiology, Internal Medicine: Interventional Cardiologist

Meridian, MS

David Homan, M.D.

Cardiovascular Institute of the South

Cardiology: Interventional Cardiologist

Opelousas, LA

Agostino Ingraldi, M.D.

Cardiovascular Institute of the South

Cardiology: Interventional Cardiology

Breaux Bridge and Lafayette

Ahmad Jabbar, M.D.

Cardiovascular Institute of the South

Cardiology, Internal Medicine: Interventional Cardiologist

Harvey, LA

Scott Joransen, M.D.

Cardiovascular Institute of the South

Cardiology, Internal Medicine: Interventional Cardiologist

Meridian, MS

Paritosh Kafle, MD

Cardiovascular Institute of the South (CIS)


Thibodaux, LA

William Ladd, M.D.

Cardiovascular Institute of the South

Cardiology, Internal Medicine: Cardiologist

Houma, LA

John Lawrence, MD

Cardiovascular Institute of the South (CIS)

Cardiology: Interventional Cardiologist

Lafayette, LA

Kris Lindsay, M.D.

Cardiovascular Institute of the South


Baton Rouge, LA

Ankur Lodha, M.D.

Cardiovascular Institute of the South

Cardiology, Internal Medicine: Interventional Cardiology

Lafayette, LA

Wade May, M.D.

Cardiovascular Institute of the South

Cardiology, Internal Medicine: Cardiologist

Crowley and Lafayette

Robert Menuet II, M.D.

Cardiovascular Institute of the South

Cardiology, Internal Medicine: Interventional Cardiologist

Opelousas, LA

Owen Mogabgab, M.D.

Cardiovascular Institute of the South

Cardiology, Internal Medicine: Interventional Cardiologist

Harvey, Luling, and New Orleans

Abdullah Munir, MD

Cardiovascular Institute of the South (CIS)


Zachary, LA

Krishna Nagendran, M.D.

Cardiovascular Institute of the South

Cardiology, Internal Medicine: Interventional Cardiologist

New Iberia, LA

Vinod Nair, M.D.

Cardiovascular Institute of the South

Cardiology, Internal Medicine: Interventional Cardiologist

Houma, LA

Pradeep Nair, M.D.

Cardiovascular Institute of the South

Cardiology, Internal Medicine: Interventional Cardiologist

Houma, LA

Christopher Paris, M.D.

Cardiovascular Institute of the South

Cardiology, Internal Medicine: Interventional Cardiologist

Luling and Harvey

Sandeep Patel, M.D.

Cardiovascular Institute of the South

Cardiology, Internal Medicine: Interventional Cardiologist

Thibodaux, LA

Amit Patel, M.D.

Cardiovascular Institute of the South

Cardiology, Internal Medicine: Interventional Cardiologist

Baton Rouge, LA

Thomas Plavac, M.D.

Cardiovascular Institute of the South

Cardiology, Internal Medicine: Interventional Cardiologist

Meridian, MS

Shane Prejean, M.D.

Cardiovascular Institute of the South

Cardiology, Internal Medicine: Interventional Cardiologist

Houma and Baton Rouge

E. Michael Purvis, M.D.

Cardiovascular Institute of the South

Cardiology, Internal Medicine: Interventional Cardiologist

Meridian, MS

Riaz Rahman, M.D.

Cardiovascular Institute of the South

Cardiology, Internal Medicine: Interventional Cardiologist

Crowley and Jennings

Mohammed Rais, M.D.

Cardiovascular Institute of the South

Cardiology, Internal Medicine: Interventional Cardiologist

Thibodaux, LA

Jennifer Rodriguez, M.D.

Cardiovascular Institute of the South

Cardiology: Interventional Cardiologist

Meridian, MS

Fernando Ruiz, M.D.

Cardiovascular Institute of the South

Cardiology, Internal Medicine: Interventional Cardiologist

Lafayette, LA

Marc Saad, M.D.

Cardiovascular Institute of the South

Cardiology, Internal Medicine: Electrophysiologist

Lafayette, LA

Louis Salvaggio, M.D.

Cardiovascular Institute of the South

Cardiology, Internal Medicine: Interventional Cardiologist

Lafayette, LA

Akshit Sharma, M.D.

Cardiovascular Institute of the South

Cardiology, Internal Medicine: Interventional Cardiologist

Thibodaux, LA

Dikshya Sharma, MD

Cardiovascular Institute of the South


Houma, LA

Kanwar Singh, M.D.

Cardiovascular Institute of the South

Cardiology, Internal Medicine: Electrophysiologist

Houma, LA

Phillip Smith, MD

Cardiovascular Institute of the South (CIS)


Baton Rouge, Zachary

Darrell Solet, M.D.

Cardiovascular Institute of the South

Cardiology: Cardiologist

Morgan City, LA

David Tadin, M.D.

Cardiovascular Institute of the South

Cardiology, Internal Medicine: Interventional Cardiologist

Lafayette, LA

Charles Thompson, M.D.

Cardiovascular Institute of the South

Cardiology, Internal Medicine: Interventional Cardiologist

Zachary, LA

Kalyan Veerina, M.D.

Cardiovascular Institute of the South

Cardiology, Internal Medicine: Interventional Cardiologist

Opelousas, LA

Craig Walker, M.D.

Cardiovascular Institute of the South

Cardiology, Internal Medicine: Interventional Cardiologist

Houma, LA

McCall Walker, MD

Cardiovascular Institute of the South (CIS)


Gray, LA

Kenneth Wong, M.D.

Cardiovascular Institute of the South

Cardiology, Internal Medicine

Raceland and Thibodaux