Angela Tison DiMare, PA-C is a Certified Physician Assistant with Pinnacle Orthopaedics. Angela specializes in general orthopaedics and sports medicine. Angela's primary practice is located in Marietta, Georgia where she treats patients and assists in surgery under the supervision of Michael Hull, MD.
Angela Tison DiMare, PA-C is a Certified Physician Assistant with Pinnacle Orthopaedics. Angela specializes in general orthopaedics and sports medicine. Angela's primary practice is located in Marietta, Georgia where she treats patients and assists in surgery under the supervision of Michael Hull, MD.
Angela Tison DiMare, PA-C is a Certified Physician Assistant with Pinnacle Orthopaedics. She has been providing medical care to patients in Cobb and Cherokee counties since 2008. Angela's primary practice is located in Marietta, Georgia where she treats patients and assists in surgery under the supervision of Michael Hull, MD.
Angela graduated from the University of North Florida where she graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Health, Sports Medicine, and Athletic Training. She then completed her Master of Arts in Sports Medicine Health Care from the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa, Alabama where she was awarded Most Outstanding Student. She completed her Master of Health Science in Physician Assistant Studies at the University of South Alabama in Mobile, Alabama. Angela specializes in general orthopaedics and sports medicine. Her professional experience includes sports medicine, orthopaedics, family practice internal medicine, mental health, general and trauma surgery, emergency medicine, pediatrics, ob/gyn, and athletic training.
Angela enjoys being involved in the community and currently lives in Woodstock, Georgia. In her spare time she enjoys reading, traveling, photography, Alabama football, and spending time with her family and friends.
Angela was amazing and put my mind at ease about my upcoming surgery.
I love Angela she does a great job
Professional and nice.
I cannot stress enough my level for trust in Angela, Dr. Hull and their assistant. Just name an adjective and they have it down pat: kind, compassionate, knowledgeable, prompt, everything thoroughly explained, on and on. These 3 (and I'm certain there are plenty more behind the scene) are just amazing.. they are valuable gems.
She is great, top shelf. She goes above and beyond to help her patients.
Sensitive, great professional. After treatment with her I felt so much better. She had the right otras for diagnosis
Very professional but at the same time made me feel very uncomfortable
She is the perfect provider. She is very personable.
She is proactive and listens and takes that information to problem solve...what an advocate to have on my side...
A great listener, she took my knee pain very seriously & clearly provided me with options & provided a good treatment on the spot. I’m very happy with her care