Specialty > Orthopedics > Arizona > OrthoArizona > Jamie Kieser, MOT, OTR/L

Jamie Kieser, MOT, OTR/L


Orthopedics, Occupational Therapy

Gilbert, AZ

The reviews listed below were collected independently of OrthoArizona through rater8. Each review represents an authentic and verified patient experience.

Jamie is knowledgeable and considerate. She is a great asset to your organization.


Was a pleasure to speak with while she made my splint


Jamie is great! Very professional and highly knowledgeable. I feel I have come so far and just in four sessions. She’s very encouraging and I feel like my hand will regain mobility in no time with Jamie‘s help.


Personable, knowledgeable and gentle touch. The assistants are great too!


Always caring and helpful.


Jamie is just the best


She is super friendly. Remembers alot about your needs and stories.


Jamie is one of the BEST PT’s I’ve ever had. She is very knowledgeable about my condition, took the time to understand my pain and set up realistic goals to get me back on track. I would highly recommend her for anyone going through nerve pain in the hand and to be confident that she has a compassion for patient’s rehabilitation and your road to recovery. Thank you OrthoAz for having such great doctors like Dr Spencer Stanbury and therapists such as Jamie for a start to finish patient experience.


One of the bestest hand therapist and personality ever. Jamie pulls out the best in her patients. She genuinely cares and positive in word and actions. Im blessed!


She's absolutely great. She is very knowledgeable and personable with her patients.

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