Jessica Lay, NP-C, is a Nurse Practitioner at Georgia Bone & Joint Surgeons Orthopedics, located in Cartersville, GA. Her passion for helping people and interest in the science behind that skillset ignited her passion for healthcare.
Jessica Lay, NP-C, is a Nurse Practitioner at Georgia Bone & Joint Surgeons Orthopedics, located in Cartersville, GA. Her passion for helping people and interest in the science behind that skillset ignited her passion for healthcare.
The reviews listed below were collected independently of Georgia Bone & Joint Surgeons Orthopedics through rater8. Each review represents an authentic and verified patient experience.
Very professional, listened welk,discussed our next move
Physical therapy for my left hip
Possibly my left knee too.
Very professional. Pleasant and listen ed to my concerns
She is kind and sincerely cares
JESSICA thoroughly explained my procedure that I am going to be having an answered every question that I had.
Very professional and easy to speak with.
Very thorough and explained whole.process.
She was personable, super sweet, and appears to have alot of knowledge on injuries. Made for a great visit.
Jessica listened to me and did a great evaluation of my problem. She also helped me come up with a plan going forward.
Very nice. She explained everything to me perfectly.
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GBJS: Cartersville
15 Medical Dr. NE #101 Cartersville, GA 30121
Jessica Lay, NP-C is certified nurse practitioner specializing in orthopedics. She is originally from LaGrange, Georiga, but has spent most of her life in Cartersville. Her passion for helping people and interest in the science behind that skillset ignited her passion for healthcare. Her favorite part of working as a nurse practitioner is helping people understand the reason for their pain through education and working as a partner to help her patients find a treatment plan that works best for their own unique needs and lifestyle. Jessica and her husband have two children. As a family, they enjoy visiting parks, watching soccer and attending church.
Very professional, listened welk,discussed our next move Physical therapy for my left hip Possibly my left knee too.
Very professional. Pleasant and listen ed to my concerns
She is kind and sincerely cares
JESSICA thoroughly explained my procedure that I am going to be having an answered every question that I had.
Very professional and easy to speak with.
Very thorough and explained whole.process.
She was personable, super sweet, and appears to have alot of knowledge on injuries. Made for a great visit.
Jessica listened to me and did a great evaluation of my problem. She also helped me come up with a plan going forward.
Very nice. She explained everything to me perfectly.