Nina Lara, M.D.


Orthopedics: Orthopedic Spine Surgery

Phoenix, AZ

The reviews listed below were collected independently of OrthoArizona through rater8. Each review represents an authentic and verified patient experience.

Dr. Lara is very knowledgeable, actively listens to your concerns, answer all your questions and take her time with the patient. She's very nice and friendly.


Dr. Lara was super informative, knowledgeable and took her time with me. I would highly recommend her!


They took X-rays, but she only talked to me about a 2 year old MRI.... She did order a new MRI and I will go back and ask her to go over the x-ray then.


Took more Xrays...then said ours didn't "load". Then as my daughter explained the details of her injury, the doctor undermined her and asked me if she has psych issues. I am an RN my husband is a Physician. Our daughter is very grounded and normal. There is no psych issue just pain. She didn't even cry, she only discribed her pain. She dismissed us and took me into to hall to ask if she was depressed. I explained again no. That we had traveled halfway across the country to try to figure things out. That she had been in pain a few weeks with this. That is challenging that is not depression. We later took her to a different specialist who did MRIs and was able to see she had a dislocated tailbone. Through a lot of specialized physical therapy and over the course of a year. My daughter is now better and able to lead a normal life.


efficient and friendly staff


Excellent communicator


Exceptional bedside manner and care.


I’m impressed! Plus she’s cute too!


Dr. Nina Lara is thorough and empathetic!


Very impressed with the doctors knowledge, demeanor, and over all attitude and personality. I would highly recommend her.

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