Dr. Neal Desai is a comprehensive ophthalmologist with many years of experience in Ophthalmology serving the Queens communities. He specializes in comprehensive eye care for patients of all ages, including procedures and glaucoma laser treatments. Dr. Desai received his medical degree from The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University in 2009 and completed his residency training at Howard University Hospital.
Dr. Neal Desai is a comprehensive ophthalmologist with many years of experience in Ophthalmology serving the Queens communities. He specializes in comprehensive eye care for patients of all ages, including procedures and glaucoma laser treatments. Dr. Desai received his medical degree from The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University in 2009 and completed his residency training at Howard University Hospital.
The reviews listed below were collected independently of Fromer Eye Centers through rater8. Each review represents an authentic and verified patient experience.
Dr.Neal Desai .
He it’s the most great and lovely person.
I will thank you Dr. and your team.
God bless you all xl
Dr. Desai is knowledgeable, the only I did not like the fact that nurse assistant did the tests. I think it is important the eye tests are done by doctor.
Dr. Neal Desai is a comprehensive ophthalmologist with many years of experience in Ophthalmology serving the Queens communities. He specializes in comprehensive eye care for patients of all ages, including procedures and glaucoma laser treatments.
Dr. Desai received his medical degree from The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University in 2009 and completed his residency training at Howard University Hospital. He has published multiple articles, including those that address the socioeconomic disparities in cataract surgery.
Between 2008-2011, Dr. Desai worked at Harvard/MGH Masland Lab studying the anatomy and electrophysiology of retinal ganglion cells in a collaborative project working towards the development of a retinal prosthetic.
Dr. Desai speaks conversational Spanish, Gujarati and Bengali.
Dr.Neal Desai . He it’s the most great and lovely person. I will thank you Dr. and your team. God bless you all xl
Dr. Desai is knowledgeable, the only I did not like the fact that nurse assistant did the tests. I think it is important the eye tests are done by doctor.