Dr. Jully Sanchez is a Physician at Gonzaba Medical Group. Dr. Sanchez specializes in Internal Medicine and is board-certified by the American College of Physicians.
Dr. Jully Sanchez is a Physician at Gonzaba Medical Group. Dr. Sanchez specializes in Internal Medicine and is board-certified by the American College of Physicians.
The reviews listed below were collected independently of Gonzaba Medical Group through rater8. Each review represents an authentic and verified patient experience.
Like always caring, understanding, and very patient with you gives you a chance to talk and explain how or what you are experiencing.
Excellent Doctor and beautiful person.
As always.
Love my doctor
Luv my Dr.
She is the
Best ihss so
Dr Jully Sanchez is an excellent doctor. She listens and is patient and displays empathy. She is careful as to what meds are good for me.
Always a pleasure
Dr Sanchez is a great listener and she is guiding me to great health. Her plan is working. My diabetes is getting better and so is my cholesterol 🙏❤️
Dr Sanchez is always in a good mood, she makes me want to come to my appointments. She goes over your results and makes sure you understand and makes suggestions but does not force anything on you unless she strongly has concerns about your health then you should also.
Dr. Jully Sanchez is board-certified in Internal Medicine and has been with the Gonzaba Medical Group since 2011.
Dr. Sanchez earned her medical degree from the Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, Bogota, Colombia. Her residency in Internal Medicine was completed at Jacobi Medical Center, Albert Einstein School of Medicine in Bronx, New York where she received the Humanism in Medicine award.
Dr. Sanchez’s memberships and affiliations include the American College of Physicians, European Respiratory Society, American College of Chest Physicians, American Thoracic Society, Asociacion Latino Americana de Torax.
She is fluent in English and Spanish.
Education Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, Bogota, Colombia
Like always caring, understanding, and very patient with you gives you a chance to talk and explain how or what you are experiencing.
Excellent Doctor and beautiful person.
As always.
Love my doctor
Luv my Dr.
She is the Best ihss so
Dr Jully Sanchez is an excellent doctor. She listens and is patient and displays empathy. She is careful as to what meds are good for me.
Always a pleasure
Dr Sanchez is a great listener and she is guiding me to great health. Her plan is working. My diabetes is getting better and so is my cholesterol 🙏❤️
Dr Sanchez is always in a good mood, she makes me want to come to my appointments. She goes over your results and makes sure you understand and makes suggestions but does not force anything on you unless she strongly has concerns about your health then you should also.