Mireles, John DC

Gonzaba Medical Group

Chiropractic Medicine

San Antonio, TX

The reviews listed below were collected independently of Gonzaba Medical Group through rater8. Each review represents an authentic and verified patient experience.

Left before I was done before My treatment.


Patient and understanding


Los q me dieron la terapia no pusieron atencion y no me dieron cita nomas me dijo el este es El ultimo. Y terminamos.


Very skilled. Has effectively treated cervical concerns as related to A fib. SUCCEed where others did not.


A physician who is kind and efficient.


Dr Mireles was knowledgeable and understood where my hip pain is. He was clear in explaining the therapy and was very courteous.


Very helpful and caring, listen to my problems. Thank you for excellent services.


Dr Mireles was very attentive and receptive of my concerns. He assured me that with some PT we are on the path to alleviate my back and hip pain. I'm very happy to be placed under Dr Mireles care.


Excellent, listens, guides, directs Excellent again I repeat. Getting the job done!!


First visit, I dont really rate a doctor to his fullest on first vist. But it's a start.

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