Ben Burch, MD

Specialty Orthopaedics


Dawsonville, GA

The reviews listed below were collected independently of Specialty Orthopaedics through rater8. Each review represents an authentic and verified patient experience.

Fantastic professional!! Lucky to have him as my Doctor.


Dr Burch is friendly, helpful and thrill. He explained everything to my husband & I in layman terms. We were very impressed with him & his staff.


Excellent MD! Professional, knowledgeable, friendly, Diagnosed my problem immediately and scheduled treatment.. As an RN for over 35 years I can definitely recommend this MD.


Dr. Burch was very kind and understanding at my first visit with him today. He offered me very reasonable choice with my care. I am very grateful to have him as my Dr.


Doctor Burch took his time to find out the cause of my wrist pain and had a plan to alleviate it. He has a very calming manner about the way he interacts with you. I had a wonderful experience.


Took time to ask questions and figured out a treatment for my back problem. Very nice Dr


Very patient and friendly. Explained all options thoroughly.


The staff is so nice and professional. Dr. Burch explained my option thoroughly and recommended a non surgical approach for my treatment.


Your so wonderful. I really like you as a person and a doctor.


Dr. Burch spent a good bit of time with me explaining all the details of the surgery I will be having. He was exceptional, and outstanding in his explanation of everything I needed to know about this surgery, and in answering many questions I had. I would highly recommend him to any of my friends!
