Specialty > Cardiology > Arizona > CVAUSA > Amad Zineldine, MD, FACC

Amad Zineldine, MD, FACC

Southwest Cardiovascular Associates


Prescott Valley, AZ

The reviews listed below were collected independently of Southwest Cardiovascular Associates through rater8. Each review represents an authentic and verified patient experience.

Absolutely love this doctor. He knows his stuff.


Very knowledgeable and professional with a little humor mixed in!! I trust his diagnosis very much!!


Dr Zineldine is caring and also effective and efficient with time. I was in and out in 30 minutes including paperwork and an EKG.


Great person, knowledgeable, friendly. I enjoy my visits.


Wonderful manner with patients.


Extremely nice, personable and professional. While it was only a first visit, I believe he will be the most helpful Dr for mental


He inspires confidence upon greeting and I am comfortable with him. However, this was a first encounter and we were face to face less than ten minutes, so his knowledge of my case was limited to what’s in the record and my answers to his few questions. That record was generated in Seattle over the course of 25 years of cardiac care. Does he have a good picture? I hope so.


This is for Rochelle who I saw today.


Dr. Z. Is easy going, gives you his attention.


Very kind. I felt comfortable.

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